
Can America survive an Obama presidency?

Dr. Chuck Ormsby

Obama’s political philosophy places our lives, fortunes, prospects, and liberties in jeopardy. Obama is wrong on practically every aspect of economics, from tax policy to ubiquitous government intervention and regulation. And he embraces a “smiley face” foreign policy that disregards every basic, hard-earned lesson of history.

Is it possible that America can survive four years of radical, far-left, un-American policies with an inexperienced president who is both ignorant of history and naïve about foreign policy? Possibly, but we will almost certainly pay a very heavy price.

How Obama’s policies will undermine our economy

Low marginal tax rates and a minimum regulatory burden are key elements of a successful economic policy. This relationship is borne out in every economic study comparing tax/regulatory burdens and subsequent economic growth rates. It is not a claim – it is a fact.

BIDEN ON OBAMA: “I think he can be ready, but right now I don’t believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.” (August 2007 debate) When asked about this statement at a subsequent debate, Biden reiterated his view of Obama’s readiness, saying, “I stand by the statement.”

Governments do not create wealth themselves, as socialist experiments have consistently proven. But they can cause economic decline by increasing taxes and regulations, or they can accelerate economic growth by cutting taxes and regulations.

So how does Barack Obama measure up on an “encourage economic prosperity” scale? Does he support low taxes or seek to reduce the regulatory impediments to growth?

No, on all counts. Obama views government as little more than a mechanism to take property from some and give it to others – after the bureaucrats, of course, get their share of the spoils.

Compare our corporate tax rate with the average rate imposed by the 29 largest developed countries outside the U.S. Our tax rate (almost 40%) is 50 percent higher than the average of these other developed countries (see nearby figure from the Wall Street Journal) and is the second highest rate behind only Japan. Ireland, one of the fastest growing economies, has a corporate tax rate of only 12.5%.How will this impact the competitiveness of our economy?  Will it lead to faster economic growth, or slower growth? More, or fewer U.S. jobs? Will new investments and jobs come to America, or disappear overseas?

Other countries have figured this out. Over the last decade they have lowered tax rates and, as a result, their economies have taken off. From Ireland to the emerging economies of the Pacific Rim, perceptive leaders are reducing the burden of government on the private sector … not increasing it.

Nine of the 29 developed countries have reduced corporate taxes in just the past 18 months. They want our capital, our jobs, and our growth.

Obama will see that they get them.

Obama also wants to raise personal tax rates to over 50 percent while returning the death tax in 2011 to the obscene levels that existed a decade before. But increased taxes are just part of the Obama economic disaster.

For Obama, if a societal problem cannot be solved by raising taxes, then the answer must lie in new regulations, increased union power, or entitlements.

Don’t we have enough regulations? Economists understand that complex and expensive regulations smother small businesses … the very sector of our economy that creates the greatest number of new jobs. But excessive regulations damage economic growth across the board, from healthcare to energy. Speaking of energy, try to drill for oil or build a refinery or a nuclear plant. Be serious!!

Will Obama’s devotion to teachers unions provide greater choice, competition or quality in education for your children? Will his unwavering support of trial lawyers lower the cost of products, healthcare, or insurance … or just line their pockets at your expense?

Add Obama’s support of greater unionization (including taking away the right of workers to a secret ballot) and of government healthcare, not to mention the nightmare of a mandated carbon trading system, and it will be a miracle if our economy doesn’t grind to a halt.

But weakening the U.S. economically represents less than half the risk of an Obama presidency.

Why Obama risks our nation’s existence

We don’t just have economic competitors, we have real enemies. Evil regimes, tyrants and terrorists that seek to conquer or kill us.

Obama doesn’t grasp this or he believes that our enemies are just misguided and he can talk some sense into them.

Hillary on Obama: “Voters will judge whether living in a foreign country at the age of ten prepares one to face the big, complex international challenges the next President will face. I think we need a President with more experience than that.” (November 20 in Shenandoah, Iowa)

The trouble with Obama’s perspective is that our enemies are not only evil, they often are much craftier than we are. They know we are a well-meaning people and they understand that we react badly to American casualties and news reports of messy suicide bombings.

It is precisely these tactics that Al Qaeda and Iranian terrorists counted on to defeat us in Iraq. Obama pandered to the political forces that succumbed to these tactics. Had we followed his advice, our defeat would have been assured and Muslim extremists would have gained a stranglehold on the entire Gulf region and, in turn, on Europe. The future of western civilization hung in the balance and Obama failed the test. John McCain ignored political pressures and pointed the nation in the right direction. We are safer today because of McCain’s wisdom and courage.

Barack Obama thinks American foreign policy can be governed by “playground rules.” You know, play nice, hold hands, and no bullying. If you remember Jimmy Carter, you get the picture.

If elected, here are Obama’s new play-mates: Osama bin Laden, Bashar Assad, Mamoud Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong-il, Vladimir Putin, Hugo Chavez, and Mullah Omar … a bunch of really nasty thugs.

We might as well elect Goldilocks to teach the Bloods and Crips to turn in their weapons and stop being such meanies. 

Unfortunately, the stakes are much higher as evidenced by numerous recent events such as:

* Underground nuclear testing by North Korea
* The alliance between North Korea and Syria to develop nuclear weapons
* The dramatic acceleration of the Iranian nuclear program
* The testing by Iran of long range, nuclear-capable missiles and missile launches from cargo ships putting the U.S. mainland at risk
* The Russian invasion of U.S. ally Georgia and nuclear threats against NATO

We live in a very dangerous world and we cannot afford to place someone, who may be well intentioned but helplessly naïve, at America’s helm.

When our enemies strike, they will try for a knock-out punch. Radical Islamic regimes such as Iran and Syria - plus Stalinist regimes such as North Korea - must be denied nuclear weapons even if it means a pre-emptive strike by the U.S. or our allies. And Russia must fully understand that we will not sit idly by if they attack or try to intimidate our allies.

Americans are not aggressors by nature. We believe in fair play and economic competition. But our enemies are aggressors and they believe in the use of deception and force to get what they want. Our leaders need to understand these cold, hard realities and come ready to defend America’s legitimate interests.

Obama lacks experience and is critically deficient in both his understanding of economics and his appreciation of the threats we face abroad. If he is elected, the damage inflicted on our country could be immense and, most likely, irreversible.

Let’s not throw away the precious gifts of freedom and liberty that were handed down to us by the last dozen generations. We must preserve them for our children and future generations.
Remember this when you go to vote on November 4th.

Dr. Ormsby is a member of the North Andover School Committee. He is a graduate of Cornell and has a doctorate from MIT. You can contact Dr. Ormsby via email: cormsby@comcast.net



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