
Slouching towards fascims

Dr. Charles Ormsby

It took thousands of years for mankind to discover the miracle that Americans have enjoyed for the past two centuries: a social system that offers both individual liberty and ever increasing prosperity. Most of us have never had to face living with tyranny nor had to contemplate the probable loss of the “American way of life.”

The last generation of Americans that lived through a protracted hot war with totalitarian regimes – World War II, a war that could have been lost –  are now in their late seventies or older and are slowly passing from our lives.

While those younger than seventy have felt the threat of the communist superpowers and Muslim terrorists over the last sixty years, most of us have never experienced the gut-wrenching fear and pallor that would accompany the imminent destruction of our freedoms. Those under thirty … well, their biggest worry is that they will run out of cell phone minutes.

Unless you are from a family that immigrated to the U. S. within the last three generations, you probably have no familiarity with tyranny. Americans understand that many people in foreign lands live in squalor with no freedoms and little hope. But we can’t imagine it happening to us. Our perception is, “It can’t happen here.”

Tyrants have a long history of selling promises of a better life. All one has to do is give up some freedoms or be willing to sacrifice the freedoms of others. Of course, in the latter case, everybody’s freedoms are undermined, but that is lost in the fine print – only to be discovered later when it is, unfortunately, too late.

We think we know tyrants when we see them. The word “tyrant” congers up images of the great dictators of the Twentieth Century: Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Tse-tung.

But tyrants don’t sell themselves as brutal thugs or butchers. All tyrants, even these mega-tyrants, promise a better way; one that would make the lives of those that support them better and more secure.

In short, tyrants offer change. Seemingly well-meaning people buy their promises and then get more change than they expected.

Americans are not immune to the courting of tyrants. In fact, our naiveté and ignorance of history renders us particularly susceptible to their stump speeches. America is ripe for tyranny and it might be closer than you think.

A student of history will remember that both fascism and communism were admired and supported in the U.S. by the Progressive and Socialist left early in the last century until Moscow decided that fascism threatened success of the communist movement.

Why were the leftists initially attracted to both the communist and fascist prescriptions for organizing society? The reason was simple: they were enamored by both of these philosophies because they concentrated power into the hands of the government and therefore into the hands of the elite.

Leftists believed that an all-powerful government would ensure that decisions were made by the most informed members of society. Wasteful competition could be eliminated and production decisions made by an all-knowing central authority. Uncertainty and fear could be eliminated. Jobs, wages, and the necessities of life could be assured. The average citizen, who was too ignorant or ill-informed to deal with these difficult decisions, would only have to do what he or she was told.

While the American people were not ready to go as far down this path as the Russian Communists, the German Nazis, or the Italians Fascists, clearly these political philosophies were seen as the future by the liberal and radical left. In the interim, America was urged to begin moving in the same direction. And so it did.

Starting with the presidency of Woodrow Wilson and then continuing with Franklin Roosevelt, America established an authoritarian foundation that the Democrat left continues to build on to this day – unfortunately, with the all-too-frequent acquiescence of the Republican Party.

Some of the more shocking authoritarian policies of the Wilson Administration, excused at the time by World War I, were over-turned by the Republican administrations of the 1920s. The most egregious of these was Wilson’s Espionage Act of 1917 and its later amendment, the Sedition Act of 1918, which outlawed “uttering, printing, writing, or publishing any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the United States government or the military.”

One provision of the Sedition Act gave the postmaster general the authority to refuse postal services to publications that were deemed to have violated the Act. Numerous publications were shut down under the Act and presumably many others, in fear of a similar fate, were dissuaded from dissent.

Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts, it was illegal to criticize the government, even in the privacy of your own home. To enforce this law, Wilson created a secret police force, the American Protective League or APL, which conducted domestic surveillance by spying on neighbors, reading their mail and tapping their telephones. The APL formed a sub-group called the American Vigilante Patrol that rounded up men suspected of avoiding the draft - arresting 50,000 in September 1918 in New York City alone. By the end of 1918, the APL had over 250,000 members in 600 cities and towns across America. Approximately 175,000 Americans were arrested for violations of these Acts. (Note: Wilson’s political prisoners were later released by Warren Harding whose campaign slogan was “A Return to Normalcy.”)

Amazingly, the Supreme Court upheld the Espionage and Sedition Acts in Debs v. United States (1919). It is difficult to understand how any literate adult could read the First Amendment and uphold the constitutionality of such laws, but the justices did.

While FDR’s first presidential campaign stressed conservative principles including the call for a balanced budget, his presidency delivered the opposite. With the Great Depression as justification, it was time for the government’s liberal elite to call the shots.

FDR’s National Recovery Administration was Gestapo-like in its heavy-handed control of the economy. Its centerpiece was the “Blue Eagle Program,” which attempted to force compliance with government mandated short work hours, high wages, price controls, and union rules.

Businesses were expected to display the Blue Eagle with the slogan, “We Do Our Part.” Minimum prices were established for over 500 items. Six million pigs were slaughtered and farmers paid to let crops rot in the fields - all to create scarcity and raise prices.

Huge military parades were staged in support of the program, and 100,000 school children made a pledge of support on the Boston Common. Lack of compli-ance was rewarded with jail sentences. In one case, an immigrant dry cleaner spent three months in jail for charging five cents too little to press a suit.

We might still have this liberal totalitarian economic mismanagement policy if it were not for the Supreme Court, which ruled the Blue Eagle Program unconstitutional in mid-1935, along with the FDR’s Agriculture Adjustment Act.

With this shameful history of trying to destroy our constitutionally-protected liberties, it is no wonder that today’s liberals are so proud of Woodrow Wilson and FDR.

Liberals believe in the virtues of government power and centralized decision making. They believe that centralized bureaucracies are more efficient than the free market. They don’t believe in individual liberty or the right to private property. They want higher and higher taxes to continually expand government’s reach into our lives.

Liberals are the champions of compulsion: send your children to government schools, join the union or you can’t work, buy government-approved health insurance policies, fund your retirement through Social Security, rely on Medicare and Medicaid, pay the prevailing wage, register your stock with the SEC, license every profession, perform government-mandated record keeping, and wear your damned seatbelt.

In short, they are modern day fascists with a hundred-year-old record of imposing fascist policies. Do as you are told and shut up. We will take care of you … just give up your freedoms.

Yes, Barack and Hillary want change. So did Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Tse-tung.

To be fair, so did Thomas Jefferson.

Our job is to figure out the difference.

Dr. Ormsby is a member of the North  Andover School Committee. He is a graduate of Cornell and has a doctorate from MIT. You can contact Dr. Ormsby via email: cormsby@comcast.net




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