
Eulogy for Alex Farese
Paul Murano

As Alex’s uncle, among the great honors of my life was being asked to be his godfather.  Alexander Paul Farese was baptized on July 1st, 1990, and I remember the day.  The newborn Alex was squirming so much in his mother’s arms, that the priest kept missing his head with the holy water. 

Months later when he learned how to crawl I was truly amazed at how quick and skilled he was as a four-legged sprinter, tearing up the living room rug with his speed and agility.  It’s not surprising that 17 years later he would become co-captain of his track team.

 But I did not come up here to expound upon all of Alex’s good qualities: 

 I will not tell you that Alex had great intelligence, although he did;

 Or that he was one of the most disciplined people you’ll ever know, although he was;

 I am not going to tell you he had a great sense of humor, although he had;

 Or that he was a good athlete, good-looking, a near-perfect student, and yet quiet and humble, although he was;

 And I’m not going stand here and tell you that he was a great son, a good friend, a loyal teammate, a model grandson, a great cousin, and an awesome nephew; although he was all of those things and more.
 The truth is that Alex can not be fully captured in a eulogy.  After reading an essay the other day that he had recently written for school, even Alex himself admitted that the mystery of who he was was unfolding in a way that was not always easy to understand.  It confirmed for me something I had always suspected, that being a middle child among six may have been a struggle for Alex in carving out his own independent identity.  Despite this he worked very hard, was about to graduate high school near the top of his class, had been accepted to several good colleges, and was about to embark on what seemed to be the beginning of something new, something big, and something life-changing.  

So now we ask:  Why then did he have to leave us so soon? 

In today’s gospel reading Martha said to Jesus in what seems to be an almost accusatory manner: “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died”. After a grueling week of Alex lying there unconscious and clinging to life, with countless people from around the community and around the world praying for his recovery, the temptation for us now is to repeat Martha’s statement; or even worse – to claim that God doesn’t care or that He doesn’t exist.  Alex with all of his great potential did not recover, and it just doesn’t seem fair. 

But how are we to judge what is fair?  Are we the Author of this story we call life, or simply characters on a few of its pages?  Without seeing the big picture, how can we possibly understand why some of us leave the story sooner than others and at different stages of life?  Only the Author of the novel knows the entire story and sees from His eternal perspective how all the chapters of this great drama fit perfectly together like a beautiful puzzle.  Ours is to trust, as St. Paul put it, that All things work for the good for those that love God; and that the story we’re all a part of will culminate in the happily-ever-after of the resurrection of the dead and life everlasting.  The sacred Author assured us of this when He became a character in His own novel 2000 years ago, to conquer death and to ask Alex and the rest of us to follow Him into eternal life.  One day, if by the grace of God we enter His eternal realm, maybe we’ll be given a glimpse of His vision and see how it all made perfect sense, and how Alex’s departure was perfect timing.

So instead of being resentful for his passing, we should be grateful for the gift of Alex that was given to us for 18 years.  No question we will miss him around the campfire in the summer, playing point guard for the Camptrotters, sharing in witty puns with his brothers, being fixated on his computer in the living room, being the teammate and friend he was for so many; and we will certainly miss him around the dinner table at family gatherings - but it’s only temporary.

St. Paul stated in the NT that, if Christ did not rise from the dead, our entire faith is in vain; and if that were the case then this gathering here would be nothing but a lame attempt at feeling good in the face of a senseless tragedy.  But conquering death is what Jesus came to do 2000 years ago with His resurrection; and what that means for us here today is one thing:  What would have been a goodbye is instead just a see you later.  And it means that Alex finished the race before we did; not surprising for Alex. 

And it means that he waits for us in the great happily-ever-after that we all yearn for in our hearts. 

Alex, acknowledging this is not a good-bye, we say to you see you later, and look forward with anticipation to sitting around the table with you once again, in the eternal house of God, where the joy is complete and the feast never ends.

Please pray for us Alex, as we pray for you, that we may be made worthy of this promise.

 Paul Murano teaches theology and philosophy at Assumption College and Northshore Community College. He is also the producer of Paying Attention! Radio Program on WCAP. You can E-mail Paul at PJDM@aol.com


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