Let's Talk About Food

Happy New Year!

Was your New Year’s resolution to lose weight? Personally, I don’t make resolutions but I do understand those who do. The first day of a new year seems like the perfect time to start a weight-loss diet, to exercise more, to work on food-related issues or to perhaps weigh yourself for the first time in a long time.

If you are overweight and decide that you want to lose weight, please consult with your physician before starting any weight-loss routine or program. It’s important to know if you have any medical issues before you increase your activity level or weight-loss diet.

I know that when I went to see my personal physician over two years ago and discovered that I had borderline high cholesterol and my doctor told me my actual weight, I was surprised and worried. It took a year but I did lose 75 pounds. My cholesterol number decreased by over thirty. I never had high blood pressure but that number also improved.

Since that time, my weight has fluctuated ten to fifteen pounds. I continue to try to manage my carb addiction. But I also know that I honestly cannot completely cut carbs out of my diet. It is a delicate balance when I am faced with tempting foods when I am trying to keep those foods to a minimum. Like I’ve said before, it’s hard to have “just a little”.

If you do decide to diet, watch out! It is inevitable that the minute you decide to eat a more nutritious, well-balanced diet, sugary treats will start to magically appear all around you! There will be people who think you shouldn’t diet and will start to try to change your mind. Or some may try to sabotage your success. How willing will you be to set boundaries and have tough discussions with people? It’s better to prevent problems, be open and honest about your plan, and to ask people to support you.

After you have seen your doctor you may need help deciding where to start. Your physician should be a good resource. I am not an expert. I came up with my own weight-loss plan which may or may not work for you. And I still have not achieved my ultimate weight-loss goal. I found a lot of information online. I calculated my BMI and BMR. I calculated how many calories I could consume in a day and figured out the correct portions of the foods I like to eat. I don’t like thinking a lot about food and laboring over food choices. For that reason, I did eat a lot of microwave meals. I like and still continue to eat steam bowls for lunch and dinner. I still like to eat oatmeal, fruit and wholegrain waffles for breakfast.

This year, I would like to learn more about food preparation and cooking. I admire people who can take any recipe, substitute healthier ingredients and turn a high-calorie meal into a tasty reduced-calorie meal. I don’t know how to do that. But I would like to discover how to be a better cook.

Being overweight isn’t healthy. It doesn’t feel good. It can lead to heart disease and other illnesses. I believe that there is a genetic factor to obesity. If you look at families, you may see common factors regarding weight. Is that based on genetics, lifestyle or both? I think it’s both.

I would like to encourage you to share your story with me.

I am genuinely interested in knowing how other people handle their weight. If you have always been at a healthy weight, how do you maintain it? Did you gain weight after having children? Did you lose it or are you having trouble?

If you are plus-size, are you happy? If you are a size zero, are you happy? What do you see when you look in the mirror? How do you feel about your body? Do you enjoy looking in the mirror or do you avoid it? Have you ever attended a food addiction program? Have you ever lost weight and gained it back?

If you struggle with an addiction of any kind, I urge you to seek support. If you struggle with a food addiction or disorder, know that I understand. I would like to hear your story.

What I know for sure is that several things help me with my struggles with weight. Talking about it is at the top of that list. Talking about food addictions, disorders, obsessions and unhealthy thoughts about food is a common daily occurrence for me.

Discussions about healthy food recipes and exercise routines are also common. What I would like to do with this column is to offer you, the Valley Patriot reader, the opportunity to share your own personal stories with me.

I am not a food, weight loss or eating disorder expert. I am not someone who is qualified to offer advice or tips. I would, however, love to read your story and possibly share it with other readers and continue my own personal story in a monthly column. If you are interested, please email me at

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All pictures and written material are (C) Copyright, Tom Duggan & Valley Patriot, Inc., 2012, All rights reserved

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